

The Arena is a place where players can kill eachother without causing any permanent damage. Battles can vary from a honorable duel, to a balanced hosted match, to an all out war. You will need to play much differently in the arena than anywhere else in the game and find ways to use your classes abilities to their greatest potential.
Click here for information on Hosted Arena.
Here are a few common tips and tricks that players often use to enhance their arena play.

Bashers must behave differently in arena to when they are hunting. During a hunt you would use abilities as you wish whenever they are off cooldown. In the arena bashers may need to save and use all their skills at once to try and deal the maximum possible damage in the shortest period of time.

A cheap combo is one that ends in Wolf Fang Fist and Kelberoth Strike to prevent the target from healing out. Because cheap combos typically don't contain crasher the damage is lower so you may do elss damage. Even though your target can't heal themselves out a teammate could still help them survive. Komodas druids can use Wolf Fang Fist and Tail Slam at the end of their combos allowing them to also use crasher in their cheap combos.

Macro Programs
With bashers needing to press all of their skills at once in complex and sometimes slightly different orders, macro programs are usually required. The program will simply repeat a specified string of letters and numbers when the player presses a single key. One-hit wonders such as Assassin Strike are easy to press but imagine trying to quickly type "D1`a1D1a7S1a7S2s14562a8s8S4D1" each time you want to try and kill somebody!

This is the art of surviving a killing blow by using the game's lazy programming to your advantage. It is performed by constantly casting a 0-line healing spell on yourself when you know you're about to die, If successful it will "ignore" the death, you will survive and the heal will be received. Against bashers you can now play more aggresively for a short period of time knowing that most of their skills will be on cooldown. Bashers can also heal out using items that restores health instead of healing spells. Komodas druids with Cold blood and priest subs can heal out with their one line spells if timed correctly.

Hatched Says: "How heal-outs really work - Skills are sent as packets that stack into a queue to not bog down the server. Healing out is the ability to send your 'heal' packet before someones combo packets are successfully stacked. A healout is easier to complete with a longer combo and will always be allowed as long as theres always a gap in the death packet and a skill or spell."

Pramh + Wolf Fang Fist
These abilities function the same way as they do outside of the arena. They are either used to double the damage of the next attack, to let an invincibility spell run out, or to simply remove a player from action for the duration. However, unlike in hunting grounds other players will try to remove sleep effects from their allies by using a weak skill or spell.

aoing sleep effects from teammates is probably the most underrated aspect of arena. You can use a weak attack to damage and wake up your own team, bringing them back into the fight before the sleep would have ran out naturally. This could turn the tide of the battle if one of your healers was being locked down and the rest of your team was badly hurt.

Double Kelb+
This requires a little coordination and a decent amount of Health. Let's say for example you have 200,000 health (your Kelberoth strike deals approximately 60,000 damage.) If your opponent has 100,000 health you are unable to kill them through dion. If your friend comes along who also has 200,000 health you have 120,000 damage in combined kelberoth strikes, meaning you can kill this person even if they are invincible at the time. the amount of Kelbs you can use is limitless but you have to act quick as your enemy may receive a heal or move out of the way. It is best to pramh or wolf fang fist the target to keep them from moving.

Light Necklace
Until the light necklace came about there was no easy way to take down somebody wearing a Dark Belt. With the introduction of the Light Necklace people now have to alternate belts and some even go to extreme measures to hide their defense element from their enemies. Since even low ability skills can deal massive damage this leveled the playing field for previously "weak" classes.

Curses (Seals)
Just like outside of arena curses will make your enemies receive increased damage. However, cradhs are removable so a Bard is often needed to apply the unremovable Dark Seal curses. Some people will try and slow down the process of being Sealed by using a weaker curse on themselves. ard cradh is getting outdated and doesn't have any effect on most bashers if they are wearing a shield.

Cover curses
People can prevent being afflicted with Dark Seal by casting a lesser cradh on themselves. beag cradh is often preferred because it can be instant cast. If armor class is high enough people sometimes cast a stronger curse on themselves to slow down the process of it being removed. Gladiators can sometimes be unkillable with Dark Seal which makes them unstoppable until it runs out and they are hit with a stronger curse.

aite & fas
fas was once just as beneficial as aite in the arena, each effectively halving the damage received by your allies. With the introduction of the Light Necklace fas is now considered a negetive effect because it makes players take alot more damage. People can prevent being afflicted with regular, mor or ard fas by having beag fas cast on themselves.

Certain classes have more mobility than others. Casters are typically the least mobile unless they subbed from monk. Bashers typically have the highest mobility with charge and ambush type skills. Skills that close gaps will allow you to catch enemies unaware. If you combine charge, ambush and your combo you could potentially kill a person from 7 tiles away without them expecting it.

If one of your teammates is badly positioned (in range of charge + ambush) you can throw them to the side to prevent them being sniped. A well timed throw could also cause an enemies combo to miss.

Blocking makes use of the fact we can't physically pass other players. You can stand in the way of the enemies and your team to prevent them from physically touching them. Whilst standing in the way blocking the enemy bashers you can also keep them aoed so the casters can't hurt them either. A caster can be extra effective if they can focus fully on casting without having to worry about being hit.

More often than not outnumbering your enemies is the easiest way to win. Adding more combos or casters to your team will help remove theirs from the battle and will tip the scales even further.

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