
Hwarone Entrance

To enter Hwarone you will first need to obtain a pass.

Head to Hwarone City and speak to Mank.

When he asks if you want to prove yourself click "I want to prove myself"
He will then ask you to kill 5 Blaze in exchange for a temporary pass.

Before proceeding you may need to find somebody to help.
If you are a basher you will need somebody to cradh and fas.
If you are a caster you will need somebody to tank and help weaken the creatures.

Exit Hwarone City at (98,48) to enter Fire Canyon 1.
Make your way east towards (98,79) and enter Fire Canyon 2.

Blaze are non-hostile so make sure to kill any stray Magma Cube before engaging them.
Use a water necklace or water attacks and a fire belt when fighting them.
They will attempt to run away and spawn 2 Molten Cube at low health try to use suain or paralyze.

Once you have killed 5 Blaze return to Mank and he will grant you a temporary pass to enter Hwarone City.

Hwarone City has a Bank, an Inn, an Armory, Fei-Hung School (combo scroll trainer), Bards Lounge (bard notes trainer), and a Law Hall.

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