

Tentacle are needed for things such as the Dragon Scale Sword Quest

There are two ways of obtaining Tentacle;

Hunting them

(You will need a Breath Ring)
Head to Lynith Beach Way and head north to North Lynith Beach 1.
In North Lynith Beach 1 walk to (0,15) and enter North Lynith Beach 2.
In North Lynith Beach 2 walk to (15,9) and enter Lynith Sea.

Make your way to Lynith Sea 8. (Map of Lynith Sea).
Kill Clear Octopus until you have enough Tentacle.

Asking the Pirates for them

(You will need a Pirate Garment)
Head to Lynith Beach Way and head south to South Lynith Beach.
Equip your Pirate Garment and walk to (44,18) to enter the Pirate Ship.

Enter the ship at 10,10 and follow the passage to the Pirate Main Hall.

Enter the Pirate Galley at (23,2) and speak to Swabbie.
After a short chat he will give you a Tentacle. Repeat until you have enough.

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