
The Letter

Both head to Mileth Village and enter Mileth Tavern at (69,54)
Male: start the quest by speaking to Aingeal at (6,5). Click "The Letter".

She will tell you that her friend is grieving their lost love and wonders if you can help.
Male: click "I have a lady friend whom she might talk to".

Female: Click "Yes, I'll find the cause".
The Female will told the name of the first mundane to speak to.

Both head to the mundane. *Take note of this mundane for later*
Female: Say "The Letter" out loud.
The Male will be told the name of the next mundane to speak to.

Both head to the mundane.
Male: Say "The Letter" out loud.
The Male will be told to speak to Baltasar in Rucesion Skill Master.

Both head to Rucesion Skill Master - Rucesion (9,34) Male: Say "The Letter" out loud.
Male: Click "Ask my companion to speak to him"
Female: Click "Tell me something about the letters", "Where are the letters?"
The Female will be told to search the book case in the Library of Loures

Both head to Loures Library
Female: You will find a secret compartment at (1,14).
Female: Click "Ask him for help"
Female: Read each of the letters once.
Female: Click "Memorize the letters and leave"
Female: Click "Hide the letters and leave now"

Both head back to the mundane you first said "The Letter" to. *
Female: Say "The Letter" out loud.

You will receive some items, a chance at an Eternal Love Ring, and 10,000 - 400,000 Experience

Duana/Thibault at 99: 10 Man's/Woman's Bouquet. 150,000 Experience
This quest is repeatable every 4 days.

Possible first mundanes: Duana in Mileth Tavern Riona in Mileth Inn Frida in Abel Tavern
Possible second mundanes: Marlon in Loures 1 Floor Weapon Store (Weapon Smith) Thibault in Loures 3 Floor Office (Kings Chamber) Jester in Loures 3 Floor Office (Kings Chamber)

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