
Coral Earrings

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Drops From
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Can be bought from


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Smithed, Tailored, Dyed, Polished, Consecrated or Enchanted From:
0 results
Smithed, Tailored, Dyed, Polished, Consecrated or Enchanted To:
Can be Enchanted to Abundance Coral Earrings
Can be Enchanted to Blessed Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Cail Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Ceannlaidir Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Deoch Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Fiosachd Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Glioca Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Gramail Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Luathas Coral Earrings
Can be Enchanted to Magic Coral Earrings
Can be Enchanted to Might Coral Earrings
Can be Consecrated to Sgrios Coral Earrings
Can be found inside
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Can contain
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Required for Skill/Spell
Priests need 2 of these to learn ard naomh aite ard naomh aite
Priests need 2 of these to learn beag naomh aite beag naomh aite
Priests need 2 of these to learn mor naomh aite mor naomh aite
Priests need 2 of these to learn naomh aite naomh aite
Priests need 1 of these to learn spion beathaich spion beathaich
Priests need 1 of these to learn suain suain
Monks need 2 of these to learn dion dion
Priests need 2 of these to learn mor dion mor dion
Priests need 4 of these to learn deireas faileas deireas faileas
Wizards need 2 of these to learn creag gar creag gar
Wizards need 2 of these to learn srad gar srad gar
Wizards need 2 of these to learn sal gar sal gar
Wizards need 2 of these to learn athar gar athar gar
Wizards need 3 of these to learn strioch bais strioch bais
Priests need 3 of these to learn nuadhaich nuadhaich
Rogues need 2 of these to learn eisd creutair eisd creutair
Priests need 6 of these to learn ard cradh ard cradh
Required for Quest, General or Event:
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Reward from Quest, General or Event:

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