
Even though they are no longer strongest creatures in Temuair the Grandmaster Creants can still be difficult.
You will need help from others to complete all four Grandmaster quests.

What is a Creant?

There are four mythical beasts hidden deep within Temuair; Tauren, Lady Phoenix, Medusa and Shamensyth.
You will need to complete questlines in hostile areas and eventually defeat all four of them in order to earn your unofficial Grandmaster title.

So what do I get out of this?

Besides the glory and the Legend marks you will gain more powerful versions of your master equipment.
If you're not really bothered about the equipment I still recommend doing them.

Can I skip them?

You can choose not to do them. But defeating all four of the creants and proving your worth is required to advance to your Medenian Path.

The Quests

Tauren Lady Phoenix Medusa Shamensyth

The Rewards

Three of the Creants will give a reward and one will give just a mark.
You will receive different rewards from each creant based on your class.

Tauren Lady Phoenix Medusa Shamensyth
Warrior Nothing
Wizard Nothing
Priest Nothing
Monk Nothing
Rogue Nothing
Tauren Lady Phoenix Medusa Shamensyth
Warrior Nothing
Wizard Nothing
Priest Nothing
Monk Nothing
Rogue Nothing

What to do Next?

Finish buying Stats. Continue to buy stat points at the cost of 150 Health per stat.
Complete the Aisling of Talgonite quest to be able to buy Health using Experience.

Join your Medenian Class. Once you feel ready you may advance to your Medenian class.
Medenian monsters are tougher so make sure you have a comfortable amount of health.

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