

Download MervTools (Zip)

MervTools is a bot.
It can help you hunt, amongst other things.


1. Open MervTools.exe
2. Click "Options" and make sure the file path is correct
3. Click "Launch"
4. Fiddle with settings
5. Press play & stay awake


I take no responsibility for anything that happens to your characters whilst you use this program.
Even if you're present and responsive whilst botting you can and probably will eventually be Jailed.
You may last longer if you're cool about it. Here are some tips you could try;
Don't steal people's rooms
Don't go afk
Don't run too many groups at once
Avoid speeding

And lastly, avoid high risk styles or high rate zones. You're more likely to be made an example of if you're running a train of all 13 of your best charcters through a zone that requires movement.


Lord Amormon, Defender of the realm

© 2024.