
Glading & Marriage


When you find that special someone who annoys you slightly less than everyone else; you may wish to proclaim your love for them by glading within the Lover's Glade in the Enchanted Gardens at Eastwoods Here is a Map

You will both receive the Legend Mark: "Loves ____ (#)"
("#" Being the number of people you've gladed at this point.)

The Priest performing the ritual will receive the Legend Mark: "Joined ____ to a lover (#)"
("#" Being the number of rituals completed)


If this person is definitely the one you may wish to further strengthen your bonds by marrying them.
The process is quick so you may wish to decorate the church and hold a ceremony before completing the marriage.

You will both receive the Legend Mark: "Married ____ (#)"
("#" Being the number of people you've married at this point.)

The Priest performing the ritual will receive the Legend Mark: "Joined ____ to a lover (#)"
("#" Being the number of rituals completed)

Marriage removes the Glade mark, so some people choose to glade again afterwards for the additional legend mark.

It's all gone wrong

For whatever reason it didn't work out. Have a priest come with you to the Lover's Glade or a Church and they can assist you in removing that once treasured but now sickening legend mark by clicking "Heartbroken" at the Lover's Glade or "Matrimony" then "Divorce" at a church.

You will both receive the Legend Mark: "Broke up with ____ (#)"
("#" Being the number of people you've broken up with at this point.)

The Priest performing the ritual will receive the Legend Mark: "Broke up ____'s love (#)"
("#" Being the number of rituals completed)

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